
whitedevil0404's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,125 (From 180 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 20,645 Points

Line Runner 2

Medals Earned: 8/14 (250/750 points)

Faster than a hedgehog 5 Points

Grab a Pizza

Level Artist 10 Points

Create a level

Stiefie Wunder 10 Points

Bump into 500 mines in total

Ring Collector 25 Points

Grab 1000 Rings in total

Ring King 50 Points

Grab 5000 Rings in total

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

All Together now! 100 Points

Unlock the other Runners

Hunter/Prey 100 Points

Kick 30 mines against a boss.

Mission Complete! 100 Points

Beat all missions

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Lucky Tower

Medals Earned: 7/12 (205/350 points)

Cheer Up Princess Pretty 10 Points

A simple hug will make her enjoy the jolly good world again.

Cutiepie! 10 Points

Get to know your new BFF.

Dorks Corner 50 Points

Chill out in the funky room!

Escape 50 Points

Leave the tower

Manly Treasure 50 Points

Find the treasure.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Piece Of Cake 25 Points


Lady's Room 50 Points

You naughty punk!

Men's Room 50 Points

End it like a real man.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Madness Accelerant

Medals Earned: 3/5 (60/135 points)

Face Off 10 Points

Let out all your aggression.


Beat the game.

Pacifist 25 Points

Be kind to those less fortunate than yourself.

True Face of Evil 25 Points

Reveal the true face of evil!

Madness Mode 50 Points

Defeat Madness Mode!

Madness Regent

Medals Earned: 1/1 (25/25 points)

A Winner is You 25 Points

Defeat the boss and win the game!

MADNESS: Off-Color

Medals Earned: 2/14 (10/515 points)

Somewhere In Nevada... 5 Points

Launch Madness: Off-Color.



Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Dog Maker 5 Points

Killcount: 50

Dog King 10 Points

Killcount: 100

Dog God 25 Points

Killcount: 200

Dog Jebus 100 Points

Killcount: 300

OG Blasta 100 Points

Equip Pico's Uzi (1/1000 Drop Chance)

What does this do? 5 Points

Try out Experiment Mode.

Support 50 Points

Be a homie and look at the credits.

Make My Next Game

Medals Earned: 4/8 (20/55 points)

Knock Knock 5 Points

who's there?

Or GTFO? 5 Points

you know how it goes

Tipsy 5 Points

had one too many

Wired 5 Points

get a grip man

Pixel Puncher 5 Points


Efficient 10 Points

finish a project in less than 27 commands


go two levels deep

Success! 10 Points

finish a flash project

Meaty Boner

Medals Earned: 7/8 (125/150 points)

Beat Level 1 5 Points

Pass the first stage of the Castle

Meaty Meal Time 5 Points

Eat the meat off of a werewolf

Raging Hot Boner 5 Points

Pick up the ability to imbue your fists with fire

Beat Level 2 10 Points

Pass the Second stage of the Castle

Beat Level 4 25 Points

Pass the fourth stage of the Castle

Beefy Boner 25 Points

Absorb enough meat to become a Meaty Boner

Beat Level 5 50 Points

Pass the fifth stage of the Castle

Bone the Head 25 Points

Get into a fight with the big giant floating head thingy!

Mechanical Commando 2

Medals Earned: 2/5 (50/250 points)

Killing spree 25 Points

Kill 50 enemies

My first day 25 Points

Complete first mission

Boss Run 50 Points

Complete the Boss Run

Mission accomplished 50 Points

Complete the game

Golden Commando 100 Points

Obtain all gold medals

Mechanical Ice Apocalypse

Medals Earned: 1/12 (5/225 points)

Lazors 5 Points

Get killed by the lasers

Patience 5 Points

Watch the entire credits scene

Showoff 5 Points

Submit your high score

Story 5 Points

Listen to the entire story

Suicidal 5 Points

Die ten times

tldr 5 Points

Skip the story midway

Bronze 10 Points

Finish under 3:20

Silver 25 Points

Finish under 2:50

Gold 50 Points

Finish under 2:20

Ninja 50 Points

Last four minutes without shooting

Winrar 50 Points

Kill the boss and save the world

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Medieval Shark

Medals Earned: 1/18 (10/240 points)

Royals 10 Points

Kill the royal family

Air Ship 10 Points

Crush the air ship in under 4 seconds

Archers 10 Points

Kill 25 Angel Archers

Castle 10 Points

Destroy the Castle

Cathedral 10 Points

Destroy the Cathedral

Dragon 10 Points

Kill the dragon in under 7 seconds

Dragon Worm 10 Points

Kill the Dragon Worm in under 6 seconds

Fishes 10 Points

Kill 500 fishes

Kraken 10 Points

Kill the Kraken in under 7 seconds

Pirates 10 Points

Kill the pirates in under 3 seconds

Sea Snakes 10 Points

Kill the sea snakes in under 7 seconds

Ships 10 Points

Crush 175 ships

Treasures 10 Points

Find 10 treasures

Unicorns 10 Points

Kill 20 Unicorns

Bats 25 Points

Kill 200 bats

Harpies 25 Points

Kill 22 Harpies

Hydra 25 Points

Kill the hydra in under 8 seconds

Musicians 25 Points

Kill 70 angel musicians