Total Medals Earned: 1,125 (From 180 different games.) Total Medal Score: 20,645 Points
Medals Earned: 7/30 (50/500 points)
Welcome to Asslevania!
Reach level 2.
Don't skip the intro.
Welcome back!
Reach level 3
It takes a lick'n...
Eat a pork chop!
Follow me at NEWGROUNDS!
Check out!
Follow me on Twitter, so I don't have to shut up!
What a pile of buffalo diarrhea!
Watch the whole ending.
Check out Sexual-Lobster's page.
Check out RicePirate's page.
Check out JohnnyUtah's page.
Don't skip the meeting with Johnny and Dracula.
Reach level 4.
Find Alucard.
...and keeps on whip'n.
Get a little head.
Find the 1st hidden song.
Thats where I left that!
Never alone...
Make the haunted hallway more creepy.
Beat Time Trial in less than 3 mins.
Beat Dracula!
Reach level 5.
Medals Earned: 1/23 (5/500 points)
Reach difficulty level 5!
Score 1 million points!
Destroy 10 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!
Destroy 25 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!
Score 5 million points!
Destroy 50 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!
Reach difficulty level 10!
Reach difficulty level 15!
Score 10 million points!
Destroy 100 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!
Score 20 million points!
Destroy 75 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!
Have 6 Yellow Spikes active at the same time!
Have 6 Red Seekers following you at one time!
Reach difficulty level 20!
Use only Red Seekers to destroy 15 Blue Stars in a row!
Use only Yellow Spikes to destroy 5 Blue Stars in a row!
Score over 50k points using a Red Seeker on a Blue Star!
Score over 250k points using a Yellow Spike on a Blue Star!
Destroy 150 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!
Destroy 200 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!
Reach difficulty level 30!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 3/9 (175/500 points)
Defend the weak.
Find the adult pleasure.
Complete the Game.
Bully the weak.
Bully your own boss.
Real cowboys spit a lot.
Become one with the desert
Sometimes it's ok to lose your head over something.
Walk around (almost) naked.
Medals Earned: 4/5 (65/90 points)
Find the camp.
Find the secret temple.
Find the rocket ship.
Get a career.
Medals Earned: 23/25 (835/885 points)
Get 6 Challenge Medals.
Reach 40,000 Distance.
Get your team to level 5.
Reach 400 Speed.
Get 9 Challenge Medals.
Reach 100,000 Distance.
Get your team to level 10.
Reach 600 Speed.
[?], [?], [?], [?], Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Select, Start...
Get 12 Challenge Medals.
Reach 700 Speed.
Reach 200,000 Distance.
Girls around the world...
Get your team to level 15.
Rough way back...
Get your team to level 20
Get 15 Challenge Medals
Reach 350,000 Distance.
Reach 800 Speed.
Get your team to level 25.
Reach 500,000 Distance.
Reach 900 Speed.
Get 18 Challenge Medals.
One is Silver and the other's Gold...
Geek ain't no dev'...
Medals Earned: 12/12 (430/430 points)
Reaching area 1
Reaching area 2
Reaching area 4
Reaching area 3
Reaching area 7
Reaching area 8
Reaching area 5
Reaching area 6
Reaching area 10
Reaching area 9
Reaching area 11
Reaching area 12
Medals Earned: 3/9 (20/280 points)
Reach the moon!
Fly past mars!
Take a close look at jupiter!
Explore saturns rings!
Get at least one bunny into deep space!
Collect at least $2250 in one single flight!
Get at least 5 bunnies into deep space!
Collect a grand total of at least $32500 in one complete game!
Get a grand score of at least 675.000 !
Medals Earned: 1/6 (25/350 points)
Save the Sunny Woods from its evil presence.
Collect the last 2 gold medals in the secret level.
Collect at least 18 gold medals.
Save the Snowy Woods from its evil presence.
Save the Gloomy Woods from its evil presence.
Collect at least 36 gold medals.
Medals Earned: 3/8 (40/165 points)
90% or more in perception
90% or more in memory
85% or above in accuracy test
87% or more in reactions
85% or above in coordination
92% or more in speed
90% or more in multitasking
Average of 90% or more across all 7 games
Medals Earned: 9/19 (85/395 points)
Deal at least 9000 damage in a single attack.
Free the planet Marcury from the Euphony gods.
Free the planet Sars from the Euphony gods
Reach a max overcharge combo.
Free the planet Jupitupe from the Euphony gods.
Free the planet Narpdarp from the Euphony gods.
Free the planet Satamalat from the Euphony gods.
Free the Malky Way from the Euphony gods.
Visit our sponsor by clicking on one of the in-game links.
Unlock the Audyssey Jukebox
Reach the maximum level.
Free the planet Penos from the Euphony gods.
Free the planet Plutoo from the Euphony gods.
Free your home planet, Qweezleqwozzle, from the Euphony gods.
Achieve 12 gold runs (beating a stage with no lives lost).
Beat every stage in the game (including credits).
Get a gold run on every single stage in the game (including credits).